Theatrical Release Poster |
My first reaction after watching American Beauty was 'Wow, that might just be my one of my favourite films ever'. And indeed, it is a very good film. However, upon reflection I have realised that perhaps the film wasn't as great as I thought.
American Beauty focuses on Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) who hates his job, his wife, Carolyn (Annette Bening), and his life in general. He is going through a midlife crisis. However, he finds his younger, more passionate self when he sees his 16 year old daughter's, Jane (Thora Birch), friend, Angela Hayes (Mena Suvari). He begins to obsess over Angela sparking him to start living life more. Sound creepy? Yes it is meant to be. But such is the performance from Kevin Spacey that despite Lester actually being pretty horrible and weird throughout the film, we are still rooting for him and sympathise with him.
A sweet romance or cliched? Ricky and Jane |
So what are the films flaws? Well the first is the various stereotypical characters. Living next door to the Burnhams is a retired soldier and his family. The retired soldier is a very strict dad who beats his son. The whole lighting of the house is set up to show that the family has a troubled relationship caused by the fathers brutishness. It is all very cliched. The relationship between the son of this family, Ricky (Wes Bentley), and Jane is also rather fake, forced and a little bit cliched. It does feel real and is well done in places, but the sanctity of it (it is the relationship the writer obviously thinks is the best and idealises) just makes it feel a bit stupid and out of place in this otherwise rather cutting and satirical film. I suppose it's there as a glimpse of hope but it could have been less in-your-face and still have kept that positive edge to it. Another problem with the film is the rather over the top Carolyn. She does feel real and has a purpose thematically but really she could have been toned down a bit. She is obviously meant to be sympathetic- she is neither a 'good' nor 'bad' person (as people are in real life)- but she just gets so annoying that it is quite difficult to feel for her. The idea of good and bad is another point that I dislike about the relationship between Ricky and Jane. Whilst everyone in the film, from the strict retired soldier, to the strange Lester, to the arrogant Angela, have some bad features but also redeeming ones, the relationship between Jane and Ricky is just good. It feels like a bit of a cop out from the writer to create a story so rich with real characters to then just insert some plain good guys. I personally find that off-putting.
Kevin Spacey as Lester Burnham |
Now onto the raving. I really do love this film. The cast are all very good and Sam Mendes is a superb director. Kevin Spacey must be singled out for special praise however, because he is simply amazing at showing the complex character arc of Lester. Lester goes from being a boring middle class man, to a more rebellious young adult (not physically but mentally of course) and then, at the end, becomes a man again. However, this time he is both invigorated and responsible (as opposed to the mature but weak man at the beginning and the sensual but irresponsible man in the middle). Mena Suvari also deserves praise for making her character seem seductive and desirable most of the way through the film, whilst giving Angela the childlike qualities which make the ending of the film so good. Annette Bening also gives a good performance- she is very annoying as Carolyn which I am sure (or at least hope) is the intention. Thora Birch is also good as Jane showing the growth of Jane's confidence from a child with low self esteem to a more mature young woman.
Kevin Spacey and Mena Suvari as Lester and Angela |
Thematically American beauty is about the dullness of suburban life, ideas of beauty and about life in general really. Lester is at first shown to be trapped by his life, unable to really live. This is shown expertly by Mendes who puts Lester in several enclosed spaces such as the shower. This shows Lester's imprisonment. There is also a wonderful showing of Lester's computer where the lines of text seem to form bars over the reflection of Lester's face again showing that Lester is trapped in his dull, middle class life. Lester then decides to try and go back to a simpler time when he was young and all he cared about was parties and drink. This is shown through the music choices- Lester starts playing hard rock songs- and his decision to take a job at a fast food joint in the position with 'the least amount of responsibility'. He becomes an irresponsible young man again as shown through his obsessing over Angela. Now my favourite part of the film is the end and I will have to talk about that now so spoilers until the end of the paragraph. SPOILER ALERT. At the end of the film Lester and Angela are in the Burnham's house alone.We have heard Angela previously boasting about all her sexual conquests to Jane and how much she'd like to have sex with Lester. However, when it comes to it she reveals to Lester that she is a virgin. This, coupled with her fragile body and small breasts being exposed make Lester realise that she is in fact a child. Instead they take on more of a father-daughter relationship- the kind that Lester perhaps wishes he had with his daughter Jane. It is just such a beautiful moment in the film- we see Angela's weakness and Lester's fatherly strength. It is uplifting and moving, truly great film-making.
Who is the beauty in American Beauty? |
The film also ask the question what is beauty? Is beauty the physical desire for Angela that Lester feels? Is it Carolyn's beautiful roses? Or is it, as Ricky would claim, the simple plastic bag floating in the wind, or the dead bird? Ricky's idea of beauty is that there is some kind of goodness in everything- especially in the freedom and carelessness of the floating plastic bag. In a way the plastic bag represents everything Lester is
not at the beginning of the film- free and without a care in the world. Instead every other character is caught up with their own appearance- their own beauty. Carolyn and Lester have to pretend that their marriage is a loving one for appearances sake because that is what is expected by society. Even the gay couple next door, the people who are separated from the social norm by their sexuality, strive to be 'normal' i.e. to fit into the social bounds. In the end Lester realises not only stupidness of this but that actually one can be a good father and man and still not obey the arbitrary social expectations (this in contrast to when he regresses and disobeys the social expectations but is immature and irresponsible). The true beauty is not in Angela's sexual desirability but instead lies in the loving relationships Lester has had with his family. As his desire for Angela and her beauty is fake, so to is the kind of socially accepted etiquette which Carolyn serves.
There is so much more that could be said about American Beauty. It has a lot to say and is a very intelligent film. Again, like Apocalypse Now, I don't really have the energy or space to write about all the things it is trying to say in just this one review. All I will say is that if you are looking for a intelligent but funny, moving but uplifting film American Beauty is perfect. It is well shot, brilliantly acted and a pleasure to watch. Aside from some cliches and one dimensional areas and characters, this film is perfect.
Ratings: Entertainment: 9 Technical: 5 Intelligence: 4= 18/20 *****
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